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The Burton International Group is a public speaking consultancy firm, passionate about helping individuals develop their speaking, storytelling and leadership skills, while learning techniques to overcome anxiety.
I get it.


I know the panic. The nervous facial spasm. The red rash spreading across your neck. The fear that your sweaty palms will give you away when someone shakes your hand. The panic of holding notes or accepting a glass of water because of trembling fingers.


It’s paralyzing.


I understand the worry of attending certain events in case you’re unexpectedly asked to address a large group. In fact, sometimes it can be the thought of meeting just one person, just one important person, that could alter the trajectory of your career, that sends you into a blind panic.


And the worst thing…?


You are incredibly competent and confident in other aspects of your life. Your peers would never know just how difficult this is for you. Your managers have you tipped for success. You are talented and passionate about what you do, but when it comes to this one thing, you unravel.




You are far from alone - the fear of public speaking is always a contender in any top 10 list of our greatest phobias. Why? It is in our DNA; think of the earliest humans that walked this earth and then imagine that one of them finds themselves in front of a large group just staring right up at them. You may well imagine what would come next, and it isn't a round of applause.  It is completely normal to not want to be in such a vulnerable position. However, just because it is our primal instinct doesn't mean we can't evolve past this negative association. Overcoming this anxiety and becoming a more effective speaker are skills that even the most inexperienced individual can learn. 



It isn't magic, it's a method and one that can be mastered by all. 


Ready to work together?

Schedule a free consultation call to find out more






The Burton International Group is a public speaking consultancy firm, passionate about helping professionals develop their speaking, storytelling and leadership skills, while learning techniques to overcome anxiety.



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The Burton International Group​​

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